Our training provides exam access for 12 months from the date of purchase. This access period ensures that students have ample time to complete their certification exams.
Exam Access Duration
- 12-month exam access from the date of purchase.
- Course access is 4 months, but exam access remains valid for a full year.
- If exam access expires after 12 months, a new certification purchase is required.
Exam Retakes & Extensions
- Two exam attempts are included with the certification.
- A third and final attempt can be purchased for £100.
- Course extensions (31 days: £100, 62 days: £150) do not extend exam access.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I extend my exam access beyond 12 months?
No, exam access is fixed at 12 months and cannot be extended. You will need to repurchase the certification if your access has expired.
What if I only need extra exam access but not the course?
Currently, there is no standalone exam access extension available. If both course and exam access expire, you must repurchase the certification.
Can I purchase more than two exam attempts?
Yes, a third and final attempt can be purchased for £100. However, beyond this, a full certification repurchase is required.
If I extend my course access, does my exam access also extend?
No, course access extensions do not extend exam access. Exam access remains valid for 12 months from purchase regardless of course extensions.
How do I request an exam retake or extension?
You can request an additional exam attempt by contacting Student Support.
How can I repurchase the training and start fresh?
To repurchase and restart the training, you can reset it by contacting Student Support. Once reset, you can repurchase the training through the Store tab.